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Free People

Margaux Perrier Jewelry x FP

As Seen In...

Featured in articles across Marie Claire, Brides Magazine, The Editorialist and a capsule collection now stocked in Free People.

Contact Margaux Perrier Jewelry for interview inquiries!

Praise for Margaux Perrier

"Another thing I always have on is my raw garnet necklace—my birthstone—it keeps me grounded and gives me bosslady vibes that I need for my Capricorn self.

There's this designer I found in Los Angeles, Margaux Perrier, who I love."

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"Margaux's goal has always been to empower the wearer to access those parts that are innately within themselves to feel as divinely perfect as they truly are."

🌸 Margaux Perrier on Free People 🌸

"If you’re planning a garden wedding and looking for the perfect piece of jewelry to wear, this gorgeous and dainty Papillon Butterfly Pendant necklace from Margaux Perrier Jewelry is a must. The handcrafted pendant represents new beginnings, making it the perfect symbol for your big day."

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"The Sacré Cœur: A stunning medallion handmade from solid 14k yellow gold, complete with white diamond and ruby inlays to symbolize enlightenment and passion."

See Feature