Rosebud Studs


Roses have long been cherished and sacred within my heart. My birth-month flower, fondest fragrance in its gentility, the color most representative of my soul’s auric field, I seek to discover more roses each time I return to Paris - kept illuminated within the stained glass of ancient cathedrals, scattered like treasures across the gardens of Versailles, hidden amongst various paintings in the Louvre. Their divine beauty is representative of deep unconditional love and gratitude, they are an extension of love, strength and resilience. In the late 1700’s, the French became world leaders in both the knowledge and breeding of roses. Whenever I am looking to reconnect with my Divine Feminine self, I surround myself with the enchanting, all-encompassing beauty that the rose brings. A decorative symbol representing the heart, roses are viewed as symbols of the human soul, as expressions of spiritual joy, and are often aligned as gifts of immortal love with the goddess Aphrodite. Roses appear throughout several Major Arcana cards of the Tarot, including the Magician card, displaying the rose as a totem of the blossoming magic and wisdom of the human soul. In Islam, it is said that the fragrance of a Rose represents the sacredness of our souls, and are sent as clairailent messengers through spirit guides and angels during meditation. Angels most often use Rose scents as physical signs of their spiritual presence, even if no flowers are nearby, as roses hold a powerful energy field which vibrates at the highest electrical frequency rate of any flower on Earth. 

These bud studs have quickly become the piece I never take off - a sacred staple to adorn your ears, these hand-carved roses are beautiful on their own or boosted with a bit of extra magic.

Pictured with the Baby Bud Studs

Available in 14K Yellow Gold

Available set with center 1.1mm Aquamarine, Pink, Yellow or Orange Sapphires, White Diamonds or without stones.

Read more about each stone to see which one aligns with you:

*Aquamarine embodies the Divine Feminine energy which fills our oceans, its Latin name translating to water of the sea. It is calming and opens the platform for a truthful, cool, and calm way of communicating, and is empowering to those who are more sensitive and empathic. Aquamarine is a comforting stone, as it implores you to use your voice with confidence, while releasing stress or fear to create positive changes in your life and let go of what no longer belongs to you. According to ancient lore, Aquamarine was believed to be the treasure of the mermaids, and was used by sailors for good luck, fearlessness and protection. Aquamarine lends you feelings of courage during times that require you to challenge yourself from shying away from your dreams, assisting you to channel your inner Goddess to understand yourself on a deeper level and relate to those around you more intuitively.

* Pink Sapphire works like a magnet to draw all that is necessary for your personal evolution into your life. It is a powerful teacher to aid you in learning how to master your emotions, dissipating emotional blockages and transmuting dense, heavy energies that no longer align with you. It keeps evil at bay, imparting wisdom while calming the mind and clearing tension and stress. It calms feelings of depression, releases emotional blockages, imparts an abundance-mindset to draw in prosperity, and encourages self-expression. Pink Sapphire helps to express your emotions more openly and communicate your vulnerability and passion with others. A stone of absolute love and forgiveness, it holds within the gentle feelings of acceptance, release, and power through vulnerability. It embodies resilience, facilitating great compassion for others and healing the wounds of past emotional traumas. It balances the heart with the mind, reminding us that the longing our hearts feel for the Divine is identical to the longing which the Divine feels for us - thus, love in itself is its own reward. It balances water and fire elements so we may find solace within ourselves to connect with our inner guidance, but also act boldly in the world to fulfill our Divine purpose.

* Yellow Sapphire is helpful for energetic detoxification, instilling serenity, peace of mind, boosting cellular healing on multidimensional planes, drawing in abundance and attracting wealth. It provides mental clarity and encourages you to focus your intentions so you are able to become objective of how your dreams fit within the bigger picture of your life’s journey. Yellow Sapphire has long been recognized as the stone of prosperity, success and the manifestation of any vision you wish to actualize. Aligning with your solar plexus - your willpower, how you express yourself to the world - it inspires you to hone the focus of your intentions to achieve any aim you take. It assists you in successfully manifesting any project, goal or task you set out to achieve through teaching you the proper utilization of your willpower and understanding how your recognition of your own self-worth affects the law of attraction. It eradicates any laziness by shining a light on your innate inner Divine power of creative manifestation through your will, calling on you to show up for yourself and hop in the driver’s seat of your own life. It clears self-doubt, fear and uncertainty, aligning your thoughts with actions and imparting the perseverance necessary to overcome invisible obstacles standing in your way. It shows you the importance of trusting Divine timing, carrying a joyful, exuberant energy that stimulates your desire to make your visions a reality while overcoming self-imposed fears around procrastinating and taking firm action.

* Orange (Padparadsha) Sapphire: embodies the firey energy which represents our creativity, sexuality, zest for life and feeling abundantly in love with creation and its process as a whole. Set ablaze with the fire of life-force and innovative, imaginative, expressive energies, its highly activating, purifying vibration serves as the energized fountain of creativity in all areas of your life. It encourages you to feel grounded, strong, vibrant and powerful, allowing you to feel more comfortably at home in the physical world while you are here, to revel in the sensory experiences of life and seek enthusiasm for your creative nature and fall in love with the journey, rather than waiting for the destination to bring fulfillment. Connected with Mars, the planet of action, it brings warmth and physical comfort, enhancing your ability to move forward with projects and stand firmly in your power. It helps to overcome distractions, bringing about a playful, exuberant expression of self and creativity. An important stone for artists, writers, singers and any of us who wish to relay our deepest truth in creative expression, Orange Sapphire encourages you to embrace your bliss, become enraptured in creation, and surrender to Divine inspiration.

* White Diamonds are stones of enlightenment, clarity of mind, imagination and inventiveness, fearlessness and the purity of love. Long valued for their magical properties and believed to have fallen from the sky after a battle between dragons, Hindus, over fifteen centuries ago, believed they provided their keepers with protection, courageousness, victory and the enhancement of love as they create a deep bond between relationships. An energy amplifier, they are incredibly effective when used with other crystals, as they raise their energetic frequency. They help pinpoint that which requires transformation, cleansing remnants of darkness that shrouds your inner light. They facilitate spiritual evolution, manifestation and abundance while encouraging the soul’s light to shine, accessing Divine energies, enhancing visions and intuitive connection with the higher domains of Spirit. Used to evoke and tap into your inner Spiritual King or Queen energy, it allows you to recognize your worth through the Divine archetypes within the Self that convey power, knowledge and sovereignty. Combining spiritual insight with the wisdom of your inner Knowing, what is revealed is a sense of clarity and certainty about your desires and the actionable steps to reach your goals. They accelerate your spiritual evolution and ignites psychic ability, generating the focus needed to manifest your dreams. Emanates a potent energy to reveal underlying emotional issues within the subconscious, encouraging you to become more objective about the emotional state you are in, and what you need to process and release. A stone of spiritual initiation, it helps us in becoming beacons of Light, teaching us that our behavior can reveal our true inner beauty and our Soul’s knowledge. Illuminating densities, difficulties and illusions, it calls upon us to seek light within and radiate it outward. Acts as a reminder of your spiritual destiny in this life, as its energy penetrates the veils that can keep you reluctant or unable to step firmly into your path.

Production Info

*Please note: all pieces are made by my hands to order with up to a 3-4 week production time. If you have a rush-order, please email to discuss! For more information about Jewelry Care, Warranty and Returns, please see our FAQ page.



Each order comes gift wrapped, please ensure you fill out the "Gift" notes section upon checkout, as your item will be thoughtfully wrapped and personalized with recipients name, along with description cards of each piece and selected stones!


Any piece that is not a ready-made one of a kind is available to custom order in 14k White or 14k Rose Gold.

Please enter your preferred metal in the notes section upon checkout, or feel free to contact us before ordering!


All Fine Jewelry items are handcrafted and made to order. All of our pieces require up to 3-4 weeks for turnaround production time, to allow for sizing, polishing, and making sure your jewelry is perfect! 

If you have a specific deadline you need to meet, please contact us to let us know. We may request that you pay for upgraded expedited shipping, and may not be able to accommodate all requests.


I always, always recommend as first priority to go with what you’re drawn to. Oftentimes, your first instinct as led by your intuition will be spot on for what energy you’re wanting to align with or needing in your life at this time - don’t overthink it!

An easy way to clear your mind and become present with your current state of being:

Close your eyes and take a few slow, deep breaths.

Focus your attention on the ground beneath your feet, gradually relaxing into a naturally comfortable state. Picture your body within a bright, warm pyramid of white light as you exhale.

Release any impeding stresses that pop into mind, and ask your subconscious to come to the forefront.

See what you’re drawn to aesthetically, then proceed by reading about each energy to determine which one feels right.