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Liberté Liberation Medallion


A Sacred emblem of freedom, the Liberté medallion embodies French culture and is a symbolic protection medallion based around liberating yourself from self-imposed limitations and fears, which encapsulates my journey into creating this line. 

Liberté is often personified as a woman. Such personifications date from classical times when these qualities were personified as goddesses.

The Dove embodies viewing the soul from above, as the soul’s release from its earth-bound duty. A symbol of presence, serving as a liaison between intuitive thought and grounded reality into our human conscious awareness. It enables us to find renewal within the silence of our mind, incarnating a sense of higher love, asking you to go within and release your emotional disharmony. She helps us to rid the trauma stored deep within our cellular memory, carrying with her the energy of promise, renewal, and liberation.

Available in 14k Yellow Gold

Set with (1) 1.5mm Ruby, Emerald or White Diamond on a 16” or 18” box chain.


*Ruby: sparks passion into your life within the creative and professional realm, as well as igniting a flame of confidence back into the self and within relationships. Ruby encourages an overall passion for life, allowing motivation and goal-setting to restore back to the forefront so you can chase your bliss and feel courageous yet again when imagining your dreams and making them a reality. It increases excitement, stimulates sex-drive, heals sexual traumas, and invigorates a motivated, inspired mindset. Ruby instills clear visualizations, abundance and wealth, and is known as a major protector against psychic attack as well as energetic vampires of the heart chakra. By creating healthy boundaries around the heart and cutting cords with those who seek only to drain you of energy, more space is created for self-love, acceptance and worthiness. Ruby boosts selflessness through recognition of where your love energy is best spent, allowing you to invest in those who are worthy of your time – starting with the self.

*Emerald: was dedicated in the ancient world to the goddess Venus for its ability to bring security in love, and is thus called the Stone of Successful Love. Emerald attracts domestic loyalty, uninhibited bliss and universal love, its lush green energy stirring the soul and awakening the heart. It is a stone of inspiration, patience, unity and stimulates the heart chakra, healing old wounds while increasing mental, emotional and physical harmony. For over 6,000 years, Emerald has been said to cleanse negativity and encourage you to focus on the joy in life and raises your conscious vibration, setting your sights on directed action through revealing a deep inner knowing of truth. A stone of vision and intuition, Emerald promotes wisdom, renewal and growth, helping you evolve forward as you learn your purpose. Emerald relaxes the emotions but invigorates the mind, activating thoughts, reflections and philosophies while boosting creativity and bringing focus and intensity to your life’s work.

*Diamond: are stones of enlightenment, clarity of mind, imagination and inventiveness, fearlessness and the purity of love. Long valued for their magical properties and believed to have fallen from the sky after a battle between dragons, Hindus, over fifteen centuries ago, believed they provided their keepers with protection, courageousness, victory and the enhancement of love as they create a deep bond between relationships. An energy amplifier, they are incredibly effective when used with other crystals, as they raise their energetic frequency. They help pinpoint that which requires transformation, cleansing remnants of darkness that shrouds your inner light. They facilitate spiritual evolution, manifestation and abundance while encouraging the soul’s light to shine, accessing Divine energies, enhancing visions and intuitive connection with the higher domains of Spirit. Combining spiritual insight with the wisdom of your inner Knowing, what is revealed is a sense of clarity and certainty about your desires and the actionable steps to reach your goals. A stone of spiritual initiation, it helps us in becoming beacons of Light, teaching us that our behavior can reveal our true inner beauty and our Soul’s knowledge. Illuminating densities, difficulties and illusions, it calls upon us to seek light within and radiate it outward. Acts as a reminder of your spiritual destiny in this life, as its energy penetrates the veils that can keep you reluctant or unable to step firmly into your path.

Production Info

*Please note: all pieces are made by my hands to order with up to a 3-4 week production time. If you have a rush-order, please email to discuss! For more information about Jewelry Care, Warranty and Returns, please see our FAQ page.



Each order comes gift wrapped, please ensure you fill out the "Gift" notes section upon checkout, as your item will be thoughtfully wrapped and personalized with recipients name, along with description cards of each piece and selected stones!


Any piece that is not a ready-made one of a kind is available to custom order in 14k White or 14k Rose Gold.

Please enter your preferred metal in the notes section upon checkout, or feel free to contact us before ordering!


All Fine Jewelry items are handcrafted and made to order. All of our pieces require up to 3-4 weeks for turnaround production time, to allow for sizing, polishing, and making sure your jewelry is perfect! 

If you have a specific deadline you need to meet, please contact us to let us know. We may request that you pay for upgraded expedited shipping, and may not be able to accommodate all requests.


I always, always recommend as first priority to go with what you’re drawn to. Oftentimes, your first instinct as led by your intuition will be spot on for what energy you’re wanting to align with or needing in your life at this time - don’t overthink it!

An easy way to clear your mind and become present with your current state of being:

Close your eyes and take a few slow, deep breaths.

Focus your attention on the ground beneath your feet, gradually relaxing into a naturally comfortable state. Picture your body within a bright, warm pyramid of white light as you exhale.

Release any impeding stresses that pop into mind, and ask your subconscious to come to the forefront.

See what you’re drawn to aesthetically, then proceed by reading about each energy to determine which one feels right.